Friends of Kinnoull was founded to raise additional income to fund specific fabric maintenance and updating projects related to our Church, Church Hall and Manse. Our Property Committee had identified specific areas which would require attention over a five to ten year period and had estimated the cost of the work required to be around £120,000. An assortment of fund raising activities were looked into and initiated with an emphasis on fellowship as well as income.
Members were encouraged to set up ‘Regular Giving’ standing orders to ensure a regular amount of monies being accrued.
There have been Car Treasure Hunts, Burns’ Suppers, Quiz Nights, Musical Evenings, Soup and Sandwich Lunches, Used Goods Shop, Silent Auctions and many more activities. A ‘change collection box’, a replica of the Church, was designed, created and distributed to every household of our membership. We have had two special counting days so far and these are proving a popular method of giving. The boxes were donated by sponsorship of a major company in Perth.
To date refurbishment work has been completed in the Manse where a replacement utility room was installed. In our Hall the outer windows have been replaced and as the building is Grade 2 listed we had to put in wooden framed windows at extra cost. A replacement heating system was also installed.
The refurbishment of all the Church glass and stained glass windows was completed during December 2006. 12 full windows were removed, refurbished and installed. The work had been estimated to take 6 months but it took 9 months. The final overall cost of this project was £90,000.
Kinnoull Parish Church had been very fortunate and received several welcome contributions from various Trusts etc. Our Finance Convenor had been extremely active in this area and we were delighted and surprised by the responses from these Charitable Trusts. £46,000 was generously donated by the various Trusts and private donations received. The remainder of the necessary funding being raised by our very generous and dedicated congregation.
A Service of Re-dedication was held on Sunday 28th January 2007. At this service there were a number of invited guests including representatives from several of the donating Trusts and the Provost of Perth and Kinross Council.
The whole of the church roof has been reslated and double glazing has been installed in all of the Hall windows.
There is further maintenance planned to ensure that the fabric of the church is maintained up to a good standard. The total funds raised by Friends of Kinnoull have now passed £200,000.