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We’re delighted to be able to share our worship services, live, with folks who aren’t able to join us in the church building. We hope that this facility will be a true blessing to many. WATCH LIVE Should you miss the live stream you can WATCH AGAIN at any point up to 4 weeks after the service
Due to the red weather warning for storm Éowyn on Friday 24th January 2025 all church buildings and activities due to be held on Friday are cancelled this week.
Tea and coffee will be available after every service on a Sunday morning. All are welcome to attend with a social distanced area available for those who need this
Loving Your Neighbour hotline is still active for Kinnoull, Bridgend and Gannochy for those people who are isolating and need groceries or medicines picked up. The number is 07521654105.
Make a Donation to Kinnoull Parish church. The church of Scotland have set up an on-line payment method, to allow anyone to make a donation to the wider church funds or directly to Kinnoull Parish church at this time. To make a donation via the Church of Scotland website visit this link. If you wish to make a payment to Kinnoull please select the donate to a congregation option and select “Perth Kinnoull” from the drop down menu. Thank you for your support.
The weekly zoom prayer meeting can be joined by this link. Details of the meeting ID and passcode can be found on the events page on this website
All intimations requests for Sunday Services, should be received by 4pm Friday and sent to