The 3rd Perth Boys’ Brigade Company was founded on the 22nd February 1889 and is still going strong today where it meets regularly on Friday evenings in the church hall as well as participating in Battalion and National events where possible.
Its mission is the advancement of Christ’s kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.
All Sections meet on a Friday in Kinnoull Church Hall with the details for each section being as follows:
- Anchor Boys for children in Primary 1 to Primary 3, 6pm to 7pm
- Junior Section for children in Primary 4 to Primary 6, 6.45pm to 8.15pm
- Company section for children in Primary 7 to Secondary 2, 8pm to 10pm
- Seniors for boys in children 3 to Secondary 6, 8pm to 10pm
For more information please contact the captain on 01738 562922 or e-mail the company via
Please visit this link to take you to the BB UK website.
Visit out Facebook page for regular updates, photos and news.
We are also on Twitter and Instagram