Morning Worship which is also streamed.

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Date(s) - 16/10/2022
10:30 am - 11:30 am

Kinnoull parish church


Provided there is no return to Government restrictions we will have an act of worship in the church between 10.30 and 11.30.

If you wish to attend public worship there is now no need to pre book.

Masks are now optional.

We have an area to the side of the church nearest the hall for those who wish a 2m social distanced seat.

In others areas we request that everyone keeps to family groups as best practice.

Please note, where possible no cash should be brought for the offering. Where appropriate a cheque, payable to Kinnoull Parish Church, should be placed inside the WFO envelope and put in the collection plate on entering the Church. Likewise, any kind donations should be by cheque and sealed in a plain envelope. Donations to Kinnoull Parish church can also be made via the church of Scotland website . To make a donation to Kinnoull select the donate to a congregation option and then find “Perth Kinnoull” in the search box.


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