Kinnoull Indoor Sports & Recreational Activities

In the New Year, and subject to sufficient uptake as well as the then current Covid regulations, it is proposed to restart or continue the undernoted activities, mainly in the Church Halls. If you are interested in any of the following, please contact the appropriate person listed for further information:-

Blether Buddies*:- Stella McIntosh, 561998; Last Wednesday afternoon of each month; main hall

Book Club:- Gerry Watson, 631526; Wednesday afternoons; main hall except last Wednesday of the month when the meeting will be in the upper hall (provisional)

Messy Play for adult & child*:- Fiona Alexander, 561593; Friday mornings; main hall

Thursday Club*:- Marjory McGregor, 634785; First Thursday afternoon of each month except January, when the club will meet on the second Thursday; main hall

Walking Group:- Sandra Watson, 631526; Dates to be decided

*Currently meeting

In a number of cases, there will be the need to make a small charge towards heating and lighting plus the sharing of any additional costs for equipment or materials.

It is also hoped to add one or two more activities to the above. If anyone is willing to organise and run any additional activities such as Yoga, Flower Arranging, Photography, Line Dancing, Chess, Bridge, Art Classes, Sewing/Needlework, Baking/Cooking, Silver Surfing/IT Skills, etc, etc, please contact Ian Brown on 551947

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