Clergy and trains

What is it about the clergy and railways? The writer of the Thomas the tank Engine stories was a Methodist minister. One of the great model railway layouts of all time was Buckingham central built by the Rev. Peter Denny. Whenever you go to a model railway show you could just about have a Presbytery meeting as there are enough Presbyters present for there to be a quorum. The two simply go together for some reason. Is there that latent Calvinist trait that the route of the train is predestined by the signalman? Is it this creative spark, in the image of our God that makes us want to create our own perfect little world? I do not know but one thing is for sure, this weekend Perth will be full of clergy as it is the Perth Model Railway show. It will be a fun weekend. Come along and meet your minister in a different context. You might find out that ministers are quite human after all!

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